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Justyna Miklaszewska
prof. dr hab.
Department Department of the History of Philosophy
Phone 12 6631801
Fax (+48 12) 4224916
Email j.miklaszewska<- @ ->
Address 31-044 Kraków, ul. Grodzka 52
Room 92
Office hours Wen. 14:00-15:30
Political Philosophy, History of Modern Philosophy: Liberalism and libertarianism, public choice theory, contemporary theories of justice, the history of modern and contemporary philosophy, religious ideas of the European Enlightenment

Classes taught in the current academic year

List of classes in the USOSweb system


Professor of Philosophy, Jagiellonian University, Institute of Philosophy (since 2003).
Head of the Department of History of Philosophy (since 1998).
Director of the Institute of Philosophy (1999-2008).
Assistant and Associate Professor at the Institute of Philosophy (1977-2002).
The Director of the Scientific Program Radicals and Conservatives in the Philosophy of the Enlightenment financed by Polish National Science Center (2013-2016).

The Polish Coordinator of the European Union Erasmus Intensive Programs: Democracy and Religion, Democracy and Knowledge, Democracy and Cosmopolitanism (2006-2014).

Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu/National Louis University, Nowy Sącz:  MBA Lectures on Ethical and Legal Issues (2002, 2006-8).


Habilitation in Philosophy Jagiellonian University (1994);
Ph.D. in History of Ideas, Jagiellonian University (1984);
MA in Philosophy, MA in Polish Philology, Jagiellonian University.

Researches and  lectures abroad:

London School of Economics, Visiting Fellow, 2013.
University in Aix-en-Provence, Summer School Guest Lecture, 2004.
Tilburg University, Guest lectures, 2002.
University of Aberdeen, Visiting Fellow, 2000.
University of Wales in Aberystwyth, Visiting Fellow, 1996.
Corpus Christi College, Oxford, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, 1992.
University of Leiden, Visiting Fellow, 1991.
McGill University, Montreal, Guest Lecture, 1990.
Columbia University, New York,  Visiting Fellow, 1989–1990.
St. Anne’s College, Oxford, Visiting Scholar, 1986.

Lectures on Political Philosophy and History of Philosophy during Intensive Seminars under Erasmus Programs in: Tilburg, Krakow, Nice, Cluj, Ankara (2006-2014).


Polish Philosophical Society, The President of Cracow Division (since 2012).

Editorial Board:

“Diametros”, “Polish Journal of Philosophy”, “Principia”, “Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia”, „Civitas”, “Studia z filozofii polskiej”, “Złota Seria Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego”, “Polityka w kulturze”: Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu.


National Science Center
National Program for the Development of Humane Studies (NPRH)
National Science Foundation  


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- Sprawiedliwość liberalna (Liberal Justice), Jagiellonian University Press: Krakow 2015.
- Filozofia a ekonomia. W kręgu teorii publicznego wyboru  (Economics and Philosophy: In the Circle of Public Choice Theory), Jagiellonian University Press: Krakow 2002.
- Libertariańskie koncepcje wolności i własności (The Libertarian Concepts of Liberty and Property), Jagiellonian University Press: Krakow 1994.
- Antyutopia w literaturze Młodej Polski (Anti-Utopia in the Literature of Young Poland), Ossolineum: Wroclaw 1988.




- Filozofia Oświecenia: radykalizm – religia – kosmopolityzm (The Philsophy of the Enlightenment: Radicalism – Religion – Cosmopolitanism), J. Miklaszewska, A. Tomaszewska, eds., Jagiellonian University Press: Krakow 2015.  
- The Radicalism of the Enlightenment.  Special Edition, co-Editor (with A. Tomaszewska), “Diametros” 40, 2014.
-  Filozofia polityczna po roku 1989: Teoria Historia Praktyka (Political Philosophy after 1989: Theory – History - Practice), J. Miklaszewska, J. Szczepański, eds., Jagiellonian University Press: Krakow 2011.  
- Natura ludzka w filozofii nowożytnej i współczesnej (Human Nature in Modern and Contemporary Philosophy), J. Miklaszewska, P. Spryszak, eds., Jagiellonian University Press: Krakow 2010.
- Kant wobec problemów współczesnego świata (Kant and the Problems of the Contemporary World),  J. Miklaszewska, P. Spryszak, eds., Jagiellonian University Press: Krakow 2006.
- Rozum a porządek społeczny (Reason and the Social Order), J. Miklaszewska, ed., Księgarnia Akademicka: Krakow 2002.
- Democracy in Central Europe, 1989-99: Comparative and Historical Perspectives; J. Miklaszewska, ed.,  Meritum: Krakow 1999. (Polish translation - Krakow 2001).
- Proceedings of the First Cracow-Tilburg Seminar on Political Philosophy, History of Philosophy and Philosophy of Science, Cracow, May 5-8, 2000, F. Buekens, J. Miklaszewska, B. van Roermund, eds., Tilburg University, Department of Philosophy: Tilburg 2000.
- Złota Księga Wydziału Filozoficznego Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego (The Golden Book of the Philosophical Faculty of the Jagiellonian University), J. Miklaszewska, J. Mizera, eds., Księgarnia Akademicka: Krakow 2000.
- Liberalizm u schyłku XX wieku (Liberalism at the End of the 20th Century); J. Miklaszewska, ed.,  Meritum: Krakow, 1999.
- Polityka i świat wartości (Politics and the World of Values); J. Miklaszewska, ed., MCRD Foundation Papers, No. 30, Krakow 1998.

Selected Articles

- Freedom of Speech in Modern Political Culture, “AVANT”, vol. X, no. 1/2019,  DOI: 10.26913/avant.2019.01.06;
- Kant i Rawls o godności człowieka (Kant and Rawls on Human Dignity), (in:) Rozum – człowiek – historia,  J. Szczepański (ed.), Jagiellonian Uniwersity Press, Kraków 2018, p. 301-316.
- Wolność słowa a zjawisko propagandy (Freedom of Speech and the Phenomenon of Propaganda), „Civitas” 2016, no 18, p. 172-187.
- The Idea of Immanence in Charles Taylor’s Philosophy of Religion (in:) The Sources of Secularism. Enlightenment and Beyond, A. Tomaszewska, H. Hamalainen (eds), Palgrave - Macmillan, 2017, p. 35-51.
- Wolność osobista w świetle art. 41 Konstytucji RP (Personal Freedom in the Constitution of Poland, art.41) (with: A. Bodnar, W.Gumuła, A. Zoll), (in:) Co zapisano w Konstytucji. Debaty regionalne Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich, Biuletyn RPO, no 86, Warszawa 2017, p 221-247.
- Godność człowieka w koncepcji Immanuela Kanta – a doświadczenie Auschwitz ( Human Dignity in the Philosophy of Immanuel Kant and the Experience of Auschwitz), „Ruch Filozoficzny” vol. LXXII, no 4/ 2017 , p. 47-64.DOI:
- Liberałowie i komunitaryści o wolności i sprawiedliwości (Liberals and Communitarians on Liberty and Justice), „Prakseologia” vol. 2/2016, no 158, p. 15-33.
- Human Dignity in Rawls and Kant (in:) D. Dańkowski, A. Krzynówek-Arndt (eds), After Rawls, Wydawnictwo WAM, Kraków 2016, p. 109-124.
- Rawls on Cosmopolitanism and Global Justice (in:) Uncovering Facts and Values. Studies in Contemporary Epistemology and Political Philosophy, A. Kuźniar, J. Odrowąż-Sypniewska, eds., Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities, Brill/ Rodopi: Leiden/Boston 2016, p. 323-336.
- Science and Religion in the Philosophy of the Enlightenment (in:) “The Proceedings of the 3rd International Multidisciplinary Conference on Social Sciences  & Arts”, SGEM 2016, Book 3, vol. 1, Vienna, Austria, p. 717-724.
- Oświeceniowa filozofia religii: Newton i Locke (The Enlightenment Philosophy of Religion: Newton and Locke) (in:) Filozofia Oświecenia: radykalizm – religia – kosmopolityzm, J. Miklaszewska, A. Tomaszewska, eds., Jagiellonian University Press: Krakow 2015, p. 265-288.
- Etyka i polityka w koncepcji A. Krzyżanowskiego (Ethics and Politics in A. Krzyżanowski Thought) (in:) Adam Krzyżanowski, Polska Akademia Umiejętności: Krakow 2015, s. 39-48.
- Libéralisme et démocratie á l’époque de la mondialisation (in:) Mondialisations et Diversités Culturelles. Cahiers critiques de philosophie, no. 13, Paris VIII, Département de Philosophie, Hermann: Paris 2014, p. 57-69.
- Ethics and Economics: The Moral Foundations of the Market Economy, “Studia Ekonomiczne/Economic Studies” 2014, no. 3,  p. 400-414.
- The Radicalism of the Enlightenment. An Introduction to the Special Edition (with A. Tomaszewska), “Diametros” 40, 2014, p. 1-4.
- Teorie sprawiedliwości społecznej: Amartya Sen i Martha Nussbaum (Theories of Social Justice: A. Sen and M. Nussbaum), “Prakseologia” 156/2014, p. 25-46.
- Idea sprawiedliwości a problem pomocy w koncepcjach Amartyi Sena i Muhammada Yunusa (Idea of Justice and the problem of aid: A. Sen and M. Yunus), „Prakseologia” 153/2012, p. 87-106.
- Radykalne Oświecenie a myśl współczesna (Radical Enlightenment and Contemporary Thought), „Przegląd Filozoficzny. Nowa Seria” 2012, no 3 (83), p. 489-504.
- Contemporary Theories of Justice: between Utopia and Political Practice , “Polish Journal of Philosophy”, 2011, vol. V, no. 2, p. 119-122.
- Wielokulturowość jako problem współczesnej demokracji (Multiculturalism and Modern Democracy (in:) Studia nad wielokulturowością,  D. Pietrzyk-Reeves, M. Kułakowska, eds, Krakow 2010, s. 129-141.
- Racjonalność i wolność jednostki w koncepcjach J. Rawlsa i A. Sena  (Rationality and Freedom of an Individual in the Philosophy of John Rawls and Amartya Sen) (in:) Libertarianizm: teoria, praktyka, interpretacje, W. Bulira, W Gogłoza, eds, Lublin 2010, p. 123-134.
- Umowa społeczna jako uzasadnienie polityki w koncepcji Jamesa M. Buchanana (Social Contract as the Justification of Politics in the Philosophy of J.M. Buchanan) (in:) Umowa społeczna i jej krytycy w myśli politycznej i prawnej, Z. Rau, M. Chmieliński, eds, Scholar: Warsaw 2010, p. 244-256.
- Libertarian Justice,  “Civitas. Studies in the Philosophy of Politics”, no.11,  2009, p. 201-220.
- Aksjologia publicznego wyboru (The Axiology of Public Choice) (in:) Człowiek i jego decyzje, vol. I,  K. A. Kłosiński, A. Biela, eds, Catholic University of Lublin (KUL): Lublin 2009, p. 301-311.
- Wolność jednostki i jej granice w demokratycznym państwie (The Freedom of an Individual in a Democratic State) (in:) Wolność i władza w życiu publicznym, W. Zuziak, J. Mysona Byrska, eds., Papieska Akademia Teologiczna (PAT): Krakow 2008, p. 11-28.
- Koncepcja demokracji w dziełach Spinozy i w teorii publicznego wyboru  (The Concept of Democracy in Public Choice Theory and in the Works of Spinoza) (in:) Oblicza filozofii XVII wieku,  S. Janeczek, ed., Catholic University of Lublin (KUL): Lublin 2008, p. 265-279.
- Pojęcie wolności w teoriach wyboru publicznego i społecznego (The Idea of Freedom in Public Choice and Social Choice Theories) (in:) Egzystencjalne i aksjologiczne wymiary prawdy, dobra i piękna,  J. Gazda, W. Morszczyński, eds., Krakow 2007, p. 147-157.
- In Search of a Liberal Utopia (in:) Towards a New Renaissance: Values, Spirituality and the Future, D. Lorimer and L. Sosnowski, eds., Jagiellonian University Press: Krakow 2007, 147-155.
- Teoria własności Johna Locke’a a tradycja starożytna (Lockean Theory of Property and  Ancient Tradition) (in:) Wyjaśniać i rozumieć.  M. Kowalska, ed., Białystok 2006, p. 425-443.
- Przewaga konkurencyjna narodów: Polska w Unii Europejskiej (The Competitive Advantage of Nations: Poland in the European Union) (in:) Kryzys tożsamości politycznej a proces integracji europejskiej, B. Markiewicz, R. Wonicki, eds., Warsaw 2006,  p. 147-157.
- Kantowska utopia racjonalności (The Kantian Utopia of Rationality) (in:) Kant wobec problemów współczesnego świata, J. Miklaszewska, P. Spryszak, eds, Krakow 2003 p. 75-85.
- Public Choice Theory and the Post-totalitarian State (in:) Democracy and the Post-totalitarian Experience, L. Koczanowicz and Beth J. Singer, eds,Value Inquiry Book Series, Rodopi: Amsterdam/New York 2005, p. 97-107.  
- Demokracja. Dzieje pojęcia (Democracy: History of an Idea) (in:) Oblicza demokracji, R. Legutko, ed., Krakow,  2002, p. 11-25.
- Public Choice Theory and Politico-Economic Changes in Poland (in:) Democracy in Central Europe,  J. Miklaszewska, ed.,  Krakow, Meritum,  1999, p. 87-100.
-  Competition and Ethical Constraints (in:) Memory, History and Critique: European Identity at the Millennium. “Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas”, [CDROM], F. Brinkhuis and S. Talmor, eds., ISSEI /University for Humanist Studies, Utrecht 1998.
- Rational Constraints and the Politics of Public Choice (in:) Political Virtues, R. Piekarski, ed., Gdańsk 1997, p. 316-323.
- The Libertarian Concepts of Property and Their Impact on Privatization in Poland  (in:) “The European Legacy”, MIT Press, Vol. 1, no.1, 1996, p. 614-619.
- Robert Nozick i David Gauthier o problemie Newcomba (R. Nozick and D.Gauthier on Newcomb's Problem) (in:) “Kwartalnik Filozoficzny”, vol. XXII, no. 1 2, 1994, p.121-131.
- Komitety obywatelskie a demokracja w Polsce (Voluntary Associations and Democracy in Poland), (in:) “Nowy Dziennik”, New York, January 18, 1990.


Liberal Justice
ATINER 14th Annual International Conference on Philosophy
27-30 May 2019, Athens, Greece
Human Dignity in the Philosophy of Immanuel Kant and the Experience of Auschwitz
ECPR General Conference
22-25 August 2018, Hamburg University, Hamburg, Germany

Cosmopolitanism in Kant and Rawls
11th ECPR General Conference, University of Oslo, 6-9 September, 2017
Panel: The Legacy of Kant’s Account of Political Change; Panel Chair

- Freedom of Speech in Modern Political Culture
Colloquium on Enlightenment and Freedom of Speech, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, 19-20 May 2017

- Science and Religion in the Philosophy of the Enlightenment
3rd International Multidisciplinary Conference on Social Sciences  & Arts, SGEM 2016, Vienna, Austria, April 2016.

- Enlightenment and Secularism
Opening lecture at an International Colloquium on Enlightenment and Secularism, Department of the History of Philosophy, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, May 2016

- Rawls on Cosmopolitanism and Global Justice
International Conference: After Rawls, Jesuit University Ignatianum, Krakow, Poland, June 2014.

- Ethics and Economics: Moral Foundations of the Market Economy
International Conference: Economy, Culture, Values,  Gdańsk, Poland, May 2013.  

- The Idea of Immanency in Charles Taylor’s Philosophy of Religion,  International Conference on Philosophy of Religion in the 21st Century, College of Philosophy and Theology, Polish Province of the Dominican, Krakow, June 2011.

-The Idea of Justice in Contemporary Liberalism – Guest lecture, Alexis de Tocqueville Center, Lodz University, May 2011.

- Amartya Sen’s Idea of Social Justice.
Conference on Political Philosophy from 1989 to 2009 in Poland and in the World, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, September  2010.

- Corporate Social Responsibility: the Public Choice Perspective.
The 16th IESE Symposium on Facing the Crisis: Towards a New Humanistic Synthesis, Barcelona, Spain, May  2010.

- Ethical and Political Dimensions of the Economic Crisis
Seminar for Dutch students (Young Conservatists), Tyniec, Poland, June 2010.

 - Multiculturalism as the Problem of Modern Democracy.
Opening Lecture at the Conference on Multiculturalism, Jagiellonian University, Department of Political Sciences, Krakow, Poland, May 2009.

- The Axiology of Public Choice
 Conference at Catholic University of Lublin (KUL), Lublin, Poland, November 2009.

-Competition and Morality of the Market Economy
The IESE 15th International Symposium on Business, Ethics, and Society, Barcelona, Spain, May  2008.

-Business Competition and Transformation Processes in Poland.
College des Ingenieurs (Paris, France), Marco Polo Seminar, Krakow, Poland, May 2008.