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BIOUNCERTAINTY research seminar: Lee Elkin - Regret Averse Opinion Aggregation

We have the pleasure to invite You for a research seminar in the ‘BIOUNCERTAINTY’ research project. The subject of the seminar is 'Regret Averse Opinion Aggregation' and it will be delivered by Lee Elkin. The seminar will take place on Thursday, 23th of January, at 5:30pm in room 25 of the Institute of Philosophy, 52 Grodzka Street.
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BIOUNCERTAINTY research seminar: Joanna Smolenski (CUNY) - Germline Gene Editing and the Limits of Informed Consent

We have the pleasure to invite You for a research seminar in the ‘BIOUNCERTAINTY’ research project. The subject of the seminar is 'Germline Gene Editing and the Limits of Informed Consent' and it will be delivered by Joanna Smolenski from City University of New York. The seminar will take place on Thursday, 16th of January, at 5:30pm in room 25 of the Institute of Philosophy, 52 Grodzka Street.
Read More o BIOUNCERTAINTY research seminar: Joanna Smolenski (CUNY) - Germline Gene Editing and the Limits of Informed Consent

BIOUNCERTAINTY research seminar: Mariusz Maziarz (INCET/Instytut Filozofii UJ) - The meaning of causal claims in medicine: causal inferences and policy implications

We have the pleasure to invite You for a research seminar in the ‘BIOUNCERTAINTY’ research project. The subject of the seminar is ' The meaning of causal claims in medicine: causal inferences and policy implications' and it will be delivered by Mariusz Maziarz from the Interdisciplinary Center for Ethics of the Jagiellonian University and the Institute of Philosophy of the Jagiellonian University. The seminar will take place on Thursday, 9th of January, at 5:30pm in room 25 of the Institute of Philosophy, 52 Grodzka Street. The seminar will be held in English.
Read More o BIOUNCERTAINTY research seminar: Mariusz Maziarz (INCET/Instytut Filozofii UJ) - The meaning of causal claims in medicine: causal inferences and policy implications

Odczyt dr Carla Milani Damião

Serdecznie zapraszamy wszystkich pracowników naukowych, doktorantów oraz studentów Instytutu Filozofii na odczyt pt. "The memory of oneself and the world. Autobiographical narratives and historical time in the search for the presentation of truth in Wolfgang Goethe and Walter Benjamin", który wygłosi dr Carla Milani Damião (Federal University of Goias, Brazylia).
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Konkurs o Nagrodę im. Profesora Jerzego Perzanowskiego 2019

Instytut Filozofii Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego we współpracy z Instytutem Psychologii UJ oraz Polskim Towarzystwem Kognitywistycznym ogłaszają konkurs o Nagrody Imienia Profesora Jerzego Perzanowskiego za rok 2019: jedna nagroda przyznawana jest za najlepszą pracę magisterską z kognitywistyki, a druga – za najlepszą pracę doktorską z tego zakresu. Patronem Nagrody jest wybitny polski logik i kognitywista, Jerzy Perzanowski.
Read More o Konkurs o Nagrodę im. Profesora Jerzego Perzanowskiego 2019