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Kolokwium Kognitywistyczne

event-date: 28.05.2015
Place: Instytut Filozofii, s. 13
organizer: Zakład Kognitywistyki

Kolokwium Kognitywistyczne

W czwartek, 28.05.2015, o godz. 16.00 w sali 13 dr Aziz F. Zambak (Ankara) wygłosi odczyt pt.

The Metaphysical Roots of Artificial Intelligence

There will be three main parts in the presentation. In the first part, I
will describe the general characteristics of AI.  In the second part, I
will defend the idea that AI is the result of the seventeenth
century's great scientific revolution. I will explain five main stages
in the emergence of the modern conception of AI. In the third part, I
will describe the main challenges in AI and propose some solutions to
the challenges from the perspective of formal ontology.

Aziz F. Zambak is an Associate Professor at the Department pf Philosophy
at Middle East Technical University, Ankara. He is also the principal
investigator of the Laboratory for Computational Ontology at METU. He
received his PhD in Philosophy from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,
Belgium in 2009. His areas of specialization include artificial
intelligence, philosophy of information, computational ontology and


Published Date: 23.05.2015
Published by: Steffen Huber