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Wykład dr. Jakuba Szymanika (Uniwersytet w Amsterdamie) "Logic as the Language of Thought"

Termin: 23.06.2017
Miejsce: sala 28, Grodzka 52

23 VI 2017 (piątek) o 16:30 w sali 28 dr Jakub Szymanik z Uniwersytetu w Amsterdamie wygłosi wykład pod tytułem:


Logic as the Language of Thought


In this talk I will seriously take the idea of logic as representational language for cognitive science (language of thought, LoT). I will argue that LoT framework seems attractive at least in the sense of Marr’s computational level. I will survey recent computational cognitive modeling efforts founded on the logical representations. These studies will illustrate how the modern computational techniques (e.g., machine learning, Bayesian modeling) can be creatively combined with logical representation languages to shed light on compositional structure of human thinking. Taking LoT seriously brings logic back to the center of cognitive debate.


W razie nieobecności obcokrajowców dr Szymanik będzie wykładał po polsku.

Data opublikowania: 14.06.2017
Osoba publikująca: Anna Tomaszewska